Audit Report

In this audit, we have analyzed the design and implementation of two specific contracts, i.e., VanillaMoneyVault and VanillaMarketMakeVault. The former is mainly used for users to deposit and withdraw funds, as well as provide two order interfaces for users with BOT_ROLE to operate. The latter is to act as a fund storage and token collateral. After the user places an order, a portion of the user’s deposit will be transferred to VanillaMarketMakeVault. The user’s collateral can serve as a betting against the platform to earn interest.

The current code base is well structured and neatly organized. Those identified issues are promptly confirmed and addressed. Meanwhile, we need to emphasize that smart contracts as a whole are still in an early, but exciting stage of development. To improve this report, we greatly appreciate any constructive feedbacks or suggestions, on our methodology, audit findings, or potential gaps in scope/coverage.

This audit covers two specific contracts, i.e., VanillaMoneyVault and VanillaMarketMakeVault. The former is mainly used for users to deposit and withdraw funds, as well as provide two order interfaces for users with BOT_ROLE to operate. The latter is to act as a fund storage and token collateral. After the user places an order, a portion of the user’s deposit will be transferred to VanillaMarketMakeVault. The user’s collateral can serve as a betting against the platform to earn interest.

Last updated